NASA discovers life and it's not what we thought.Where to begin? In a galaxy far far away, on a planet with no known name. A story this fantastic needs a good opening. Right?Nov 13, 20211Nov 13, 20211
Didn’t work for Darth Vader, won’t work for you.If you are not a Star Wars fan, the title wouldn’t make any sense. For those of you who do not know, Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Refused refundsI’m not the type of guy to watch a “true story” and take it at face value. Artistic liberties, more often than not… Skew the truth.Sep 4, 2020Sep 4, 2020
Covid CastlesIt's been about 4 months since I spoke to Mind. It's been that long since I really wrote anything of any substance. Well… that's not…Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020
Do I dare to hope?Hope is dangerous. Hope tells you to keep going when reason says turn back... Hope tells you there is more when history tells you there is…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Row. Row. Row your boat.If I was to take an honest account of my life, fear has been a big part. Fear of loss, fear of intimacy, fear of success to name a few…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
Yes, I’m transphobic.Catchy title? You're reading this so it's safe to say, yes.Mar 3, 2020Mar 3, 2020
Canaries and coal mines.I think everyone does this to one extent or another, we like to argue with people who aren't actually in the room. Be it a person directly…Mar 2, 2020Mar 2, 2020
Trust is a verbTrust is a verb. It's an action. You cannot "break" an action. You can stop action, but you cannot break one.Feb 15, 2020Feb 15, 2020