E.D. Nonam
6 min readMar 3, 2020


Yes, I’m transphobic.

Catchy title? You're reading this so it's safe to say, yes.

What is transphobia? According to Google dictionary, transphobia is "dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people."

Read that again, "dislike or prejudice". Wait... Thought "phobia" meant fear. According to Google, a phobia is "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something."

When did dislike and prejudice become synonymous with fear? I have an extreme dislike of avocados, and an aversion to anything with avocados in it. Am I afraid of avocados? 
No. Of course not. Nor am I "afraid" of trans folks, individually. As people. I just don’t want them around me.


When I was a much younger man in my late teens and throughout my 20’s I would not have said this. I didn’t have the view that I have now. Anecdotally, I have never had anything but fun and engaging experiences with LGBTQ people.

If you are familiar with Omaha, NE, you might know about ́The Max’. 
The Max is an oasis in the desert of midwestern conformity. Sun-Fri if you are not gay, you have no business being there. On Saturdays though... wow. It is (or was, I haven’t been in years) the most eclectic mix of people you could possibly imagine. The Max was my entry into adult nightlife.

I was about 17 and 'Jeff’, a good friend of mine, snuck me in on account of his having blown all of the bouncers. After a while, they knew my face and I made The Max my weekend home.

One of my fondest memories was the time I got propositioned at The Max. I had spent the night dancing and making out with what I thought was a woman. Having a great time! She asked me to leave with her and of course, I said "YES!" My 17 yr old brain was in sensory overload. Then the most eye-opening thing happened. She leaned in and said "Please don’t get mad…I have to tell you, I had a pussy installed". I will live to be 100 years old and I will never forget that moment.

At the time I was woefully ill equipped to handle it appropriately, I said " I will be right back" and disappeared. In hindsight, I wish I had been able to just say, "thank you but no." I know I made her feel...bad or possibly ashamed and that was not my intention.

Getting angry never crossed my mind. Being insulted, offended, disgusted or scared... those things never came into the equation. One minute she was attractive, the next...not so much.

I spent a lot of time trying to understand why I felt so comfortable around "these people '' but had no interest sexually. Throught my 20’s and... into my early 30’s I maintained that affinity for gay culture. To me, I think I identified with the freedom of it. The sense of expression that a lot of "straight" culture stifles. They were the underdogs, but they seemed to embrace it. They didn’t want to “fit in".

Being a black kid in the midwest who loves techno, hates football and wears pink...I appreciated that sense of individuality.

Being accepted and fitting in are not the same thing. You dont have to like me, you do have to leave me the fuck alone to live my life.

Then something changed... The underdog became the bully. The underdog turned into the thing it fought so hard against. The underdog began to demand conformity.

There is nothing more valuable than a person's individual thoughts. Nothing. Your thoughts are the ONLY THING YOU HAVE. If you have read any of my other works (books on amazon btw) you know I approach everything from a position of centricity and personal freedom.

No matter how much I like you, appreciate your position, your issues... you as a person. The moment you presume to tell me how I must think, you have crossed a line.

But wait?? When did anyone tell me how to think?

The moment the underdog decided to redefine language and demand that society conform. Words are thoughts. You think in images, you communicate those images to the outside world through words. When you speak to another person, you are giving them your thoughts, the most valuable thing you have. We take it for granted.

If you have ever known a stroke patient who has lost the ability to speak, then you have seen the despair that comes with not being able to share your thoughts.

Why am I "Transphobic"? Because any group of people who would presume to dictate my thoughts should be feared. Feared and kept at arm’s length. 
Furthermore, the presumption is based in confusion. Being gay or straight, its biological. You are attracted to what you are attracted to.

'The heart wants what it wants'

But being trans... the concept is rooted in confusion. I am not trans, so I cannot say what they think inside, I can only comment on what I see.

What I see are people so immersed in materialism that they have no clue who they are and so afraid of confronting that fear that they impose their will onto society. That is what I see. That is something to be afraid of.

The link above goes to my article on materialism, in short, materialism tells us all that we have no meaning or value outside of our physical presence.

So, from that perspective, if I am a man with feminine qualities or vice versa...there must be something wrong physically. If I am a man or woman who doesn't seem to fit in either mold, there must be something wrong, physically. There must be, right? Well… that's the narrative.

The essence of masculine and feminine are lost and we’re left with just ‘male and female’. The power and beauty of masculine and feminine have been discarded in exchange for words like ‘gender’. But, if gender is non material, why change the physical?

A person living in that much confusion... that’s a very angry and lonely person. That individual, hopefully, finds a way to cope. A group of people living like that...in anger, lonliness and confusion. Well, in any other context when they group together they are called "gangs".

Gangs? Really? Yes. What are you? Trans, Non bianry, Amfab, Amab, Queer, straight...whats yo set nukka? How old are kids wen they go into street gangs? 9–13 usually. How old are the kids being given hormone blockers? Hmmmm?

Unlike street gangs, these groups are not physically threatening. You are not going to get mugged by a guy in a dress. 
Instead, they attack your thoughts by changing the words. That is something to be afraid of. 
Need an example? Ok, what is it to "self-identify"? Who are you??

Think about this carefully. What does it mean to "self- identify"? It means you do not know who you are/were and you needed to identify yourself. You are trying to come to terms with the voice in your head in contrast to the exterior experience.

Self-identification is a powerful concept, incredibly powerful. It’s taking ownership of the "self", which on the surface seems like a good thing, right? Yes, when self is the only one involved in that process, it certainly is.

When Malcolm X did it, he made a statement for himself and the world. "I am not this person. I am not just another slave descendant." You know what Malcolm didn’t do? He didn’t demand that all black people be called "X".

He self identified, for himself, no one else. Furthermore, he acted accordingly. The self he created was an incredible human being. The self he created was too much for the name he had been given, that name became too small. 
If you would not address him accordingly, he wouldn’t engage with you. He took ownership of self. That is...incredible. That is an act to be revered.

Self identification, not collective designation.

Demanding that arbitrarily made up pronouns be legally added to the language… that’s fascism. That is intellectual cowardice.

Pigeonholing anyone who doesn’t see you the way you want as a nazi/bigot/homophobe...that’s bullying.

Teaching children to endulge every whim…that is reckless.

Giving children hormone blockers… that is child abuse.

Why am I transphobic? Better question is why aren’t you?

